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Child Education Centre Franchise
Open your own children's educational center Polyglotiki!

You can open your Poliglotiki language centre for children in just 30 days.

Even those who do not have any entrepreneurial experience will become successful leaders of their business bringing joy and income. We will do the most difficult part but we need your enthusiasm, good mood and love for children!
Poliglotiki franchise is for you if you
  • understand the importance of early foreign language learning,
  • want to help children become successful in life,
  • enjoy working with children,
  • are open to everything new and ready to learn,
  • want to start your own business with moderate initial investments
Take our quiz and find out if a Poliglotiki network franchise is right for you!
Deferral of royalty fees until the opening of your centre in 2025.
Lyubov Chicherina
Head of the educational center "Polyglotiki" in Vologda
We, franchisees, receive very good support in all matters relating to the educational process. We receive support from the management company in legal matters, in IT, right down to design. The franchisor’s specialists help us with absolutely everything in free form and to any extent. Every question can be answered.
Brief History

Polyglotiki in numbers

centers opened under the franchise program
unique proprietary training programs
more than
20 000
children have already been trained in our centers
on average
children are taught in each center
Even those who do not have any entrepreneurial experience will become successful leaders of their business bringing joy and income. We will do the most difficult part but we need your enthusiasm, good mood and love for children!

What is included in the franchise?


The right to use the registered trademark of Poliglotiki™ and open a Poliglotiki Language Centre for children within the assigned territory

Poliglotiki network owns four registered trademarks (service marks). We conclude a commercial concession agreement with our partners. This agreement undergoes mandatory registration with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS).

Owner training: how to run the business, regular lessons and seminars

At the very beginning of our cooperation, the franchisees undergo training in conducting and organising the business. You will get instructions on how to launch and run the business with a verified action plan.

Training program:


We will help you create a business that meets all the standards and requirements, we will provide training on all the nuances of the law

  • Optimised tax burden (tax benefits according to the Russian Classification of Economic Activities, simplified tax system, patent),
  • Occupational safety and interaction with the labour inspectorate,
  • Fire safety and emergencies control,
  • Consumer Protection Service and compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements,
  • Education Committee and obtaining a licence for educational activities,
  • Employee document management.

We will provide you with templates of contracts and agreements with employees, clients and contractors.


Regular webinars

Our employees conduct training webinars for our partners to improve their skills three times a month.

Full description of the educational methodology and more than 94 proprietary programmes with lesson planning and timing in English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese

We use the “one person, one language” approach in our work. This means that our teachers communicate with children only in a foreign language.

The programmes developed by the methodologists of our network have an obvious advantage over other programmes: they keep up with the times, meet the global standards of preschool and school education, the requirements of the Russian State Educational Standard, and experts say that they even go beyond these standards.

That is why our programme effectiveness is so high. Our students not only get to speak a foreign language fluently in 3 to 6 months but also get good grades at school.

The programmes developed by the methodologists of Poliglotiki network combine several teaching approaches

  • Communicative language teaching helps to cultivate a love for foreign languages, develop conversational skills, learn the necessary vocabulary for communicating in foreign languages and overcome language barriers. The communicative method is recognised all over the world. Our students understand, speak and think in English.
  • Language immersion helps to promote bilingualism in children. They study mathematics, literature, natural sciences, act out stories, go for a walk and create in a foreign language.
  • Total physical response suggests that our students passively adopt new vocabulary and new phrases in the beginning. They soon start to respond to familiar words such as calls to action. Only after these two stages children begin to pronounce phrases in a foreign language.
  • Elements of the traditional approach allow us to prepare children for school, teach them to read and write fluently in a foreign language, do dictations and develop listening skills. All these preparations are necessary for children to continue their education in schools.

Lessons for kids from 1 to 3

  • Baby-English for kids from 1 to 2.
  • English for Toddlers and Twos is a course for kids up to 3.

Kids up to three years old learn with their parents in classes.

Programmes for preschoolers

  • Our proprietary three-level course for kids from 3 to 7 will help students quickly learn how to speak a foreign language.
  • One-of-a-kind courses in German, Chinese, French and Spanish.
Maria Vladimirovna Sinitsyna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Academic, Social and Cultural Education Department, Ural Federal University
Feedback on the POLIGLOTIKI (PRESCHOOL ENGLISH) educational and methodological set
«In the existing variety of educational literature published both in our country and by leading foreign publishing houses, the reviewed Poliglotiki set stands out due to its integrity and content literacy.»
Elena Vasilievna Borzova
Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of English Department, Institute of Foreign Languages, Petrozavodsk State University
Feedback on Small Steps to Great Success English Course of Poliglotiki for children
«Small Steps to Great Success English Course of Poliglotiki for children is aimed at the interconnected formation of elementary communicative competence within the main types of speech activity at a level accessible to children.»
  • Mathematics for children. A course for those children who are passionate about mathematics. All classes are held in English.
  • Literature for preschoolers. A literature club where children read their favourite books, learn poetry and do creative tasks.
  • Fitness. A course for little fidgets to learn English on the go.
  • Science in English. A course in chemistry, physics, biology for curious preschoolers. They playfully study science in English.
  • Theatre studio. Our little actors act out, learn poetry and rhymes, do creative tasks.
  • Learning to read and write. A unique two-year course in reading and writing for children from 5 to 7.

Programmes for schoolchildren from 7 to 13

  • Conversation club. This is a comprehensive five-level programme with lesson planning. It aims to increase vocabulary, learn grammar and develop conversational skills. Usually, the club is led by native speakers.
  • Theatre studio. One of the most favourite programmes of our children. It includes stage speech, gymnastics, exercises, sketches and performances in English..
  • Literature club. An exciting programme for children to fall in love with reading in English..
  • Reading programme. It helps elementary school students to learn to read and write in English.
  • Vacation programmes. All educational centres tend to have a decline in sales during the summer. That is why we launched vacation programmes for schoolchildren. The duration of one session is from two to three weeks. The exciting topics such as Little Einsteins, 7 Continents, What to Become? and more will help children to have an interesting and useful vacation, find new friends, improve their knowledge of a foreign language.

Preparation for school

Two-year course for school preparation in three subjects in Russian

  • Mathematics
  • Elementary Science
  • Reading and Writing

Programmes in Russian

Calligraphy course. A multi-level course to write neatly, clearly and fast, to develop calligraphic handwriting.

  • For preschoolers
  • For schoolchildren
  • For adults

Speed reading course. A multi-level course for faster reading perception for children. It helps children to read quickly and understand the content on the first try.

  • For preschoolers (6-7)
  • For schoolchildren (7-12)

Mnemonics course. This course develops memory, boosts associative thinking, visual and auditory attention, imagination, speech. It helps to improve speaking skills, enrich vocabulary.

Early development for kids from 1 to 2. Classes to develop coordination, sensory perception, speaking skills, imitation, construction, logic, intelligence in children from 1 year.

Early development for kids from 2 to 3. Children will learn about the properties and purpose of objects, study space, sounds, smells, tastes, colours, the basics of mathematics and reading.


Event scripts

Our developments will help you to prepare an event in English in your Centre. A detailed step-by-step description will help you hold an event on your own with no need to involve third-party entertainers.

Online platform for remote work

Videos, interactive materials, songs, flashcards, games and tests on our online platform are a useful addition to the classroom programmes of Poliglotiki network. The network partners can use them for homework or extracurricular activities along with our certified courses. This convenient online addition to classroom learning is included in the franchise package offered by Poliglotiki.

The network partners can also use the online platform to conduct lessons with their students. Group and individual lessons can be held remotely in real time. The head remotely controls the teachers, their work calendar, attendance, achievement of goals and other important indicators.

The ready-made video courses allow you to get extra money from sales to your clients. The platform offers programmes in six languages, as well as developmental classes aimed at different ages and different levels.


All our programmes are certified for compliance with the methodological, pedagogical and ergonomic requirements:

Watch a video about our unique proprietary methodological developments to understand how we work. The video describes our unique proprietary methodology, the approach and principles of our work with students, as well as the variety and deepness of additional programmes in our network.

Original banners, posters, games

All our handouts are drawn for our network by illustrator Alisa Dyachenko. Look how bright and beautiful they are. It is almost impossible not to get a child’s attention with them.


Marketing and PR support

You will get a calendar plan of marketing events with a step-by-step description and conversion for each type of advertising, a media plan with channels for online and offline promotion.

Each Centre gets its website, branded communities on social networks. We announce the opening of new Centres and local events in the official accounts of Poliglotiki and its news feed.

We help with the launch of advertising for each Centre through search engines and keyword queries. We provide advertising layouts for promotion and campaign templates for contextual advertising and targeting on VK, Instagram, FB with all creatives.


Brand book with a full description of the corporate identity, design layouts for the premises

We have a recognisable style. Our franchisees get layouts for all occasions: for decorating the centre premises and its sign above the entrance, booklets and leaflets, flyers and business cards, advertising and any other banners. Our designer will draw an unlimited number of corporate layouts for you.


Standard 3D design visualisation of the Centre’s premises, recommendations for the design of the premises

All our Centres have the same style. We will provide a standard design project for the premises, recommendations for the design and zoning of your Poliglotiki Centre.

Consulting support at all stages of launch and operation

All our team members from our methodologists, lawyer, accountant, marketing expert, social media manager, illustrator, designers, programmer, webpage designer to our copywriter work to make your business successful.

The business development supervisors are not just talented coaches for our partners — they are entrepreneurs who independently opened Poliglotiki Centres in their cities. You can be sure that you will learn all the intricacies of doing business in child education.

Our supervisors:

Tatiana Sidorova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of General Pedagogy Department, Buryat State University

I got into early language development, language immersion and cool teaching aids of Poliglotiki network right away. I became interested in their proposal to develop modern courses in speed reading, calligraphy and mnemonics, and now many branches of the international network use these programmes. It is important for me that children enjoy learning, parents see the result and their teacher’s development does not stop. Only this close cooperation guarantees that learning is enjoyable for all...

Tatiana Tikhonova
Business development and employee management supervisor, manager of Poliglotiki centre in Nizhny Novgorod, mother of three children

I have always wanted to see that any child’s activity brings them joy and pleasure, that they rush to lessons on their own, of their free will and not because their mother wants them to do so! I need to see the results of learning, and our Poliglotiki centres support that. Children just love to come to our classes and do not want to go home! Our students absorb the programme quickly and delight their parents with their success. In February 2020, our Poliglotiki centre received an educational licence.

Anna Borodina
Business development supervisor, head of Poliglotiki centre in Syktyvkar, mother of two children

In August 2016, Anna opened her Poliglotiki Centre in Syktyvkar as a franchisee. In February 2017, she became an employee of the management company and is responsible for the basic training of partners.

«Can I manage? Will my loved ones understand me? I hope my story about how I decided to open my business will be the answer to this.»


Detailed and individual business plan

The business plan includes a description of all business processes. Our business plan will help you get a government grant for business development.

From 1 August 2017, each private entrepreneur or founder of a limited liability company can receive a grant of RUB 500,000 to RUB 1,000,000 (depending on the region) to compensate for the costs of opening a Poliglotiki Centre as a franchisee under a commercial concession agreement registered with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property.

We will help you collect all the documents required to obtain a grant for the development of your franchise business. Most of the Centres of our network have received grants for business development.


HR support, employee recruitment, training and motivation system

Along with
Monthly webinars
on teaching
The latest trends in teaching foreign languages.
Quarterly face-to-face seminars and workshops
For teachers to get practical skills and teaching methods to use in classrooms.
(held in Moscow and St. Petersburg)
Original certification and qualification
upgrade system for
4 teaching categories are awarded depending on the length of service and quality of work.
(every six months)
Professional development plan for each teacher
A yearly plan with goals and objectives for professional development. Each plan is compiled by a teacher, the head of the centre and the supervisor from the Network.
Individual and group
Consultations for teachers with the academic director of the network on the features of programmes implementation and work with children of different ages.
Our partners can order training for an unlimited number of teachers of their Centre at no extra charge!

Training a partner to select and monitor the work of an administrator

Course for managers "Basic responsibilities of an administrator" .

Goal: to teach how to set tasks, select personnel and monitor the work of the administrator. Explain to your partner the impact of each step of the administrator on the results of the work of the entire children's center.

Training of administrators in sales techniques and working with clients

The course for administrators is training in the basic aspects of work with a step-by-step analysis of job responsibilities.


IT support, own website with the Poliglotiki domain name, CRM/CMS

A website for each Centre with the Poliglotiki domain name. Designer landings are available for you and your site. The Centres daily publish their news with an announcement on the main page of the company’s website, post photos, class schedules, information about teachers, prices and promotions.

The CRM/CMS will help you to keep management records, collect contacts, maintain your client database, create a schedule, create user accounts for parents, accept payments online and instantly respond to clients in chat. Access to our regularly updated extensive knowledge base with employment contract templates, videos and presentations.


LMS system and platform for conducting online classes. Application and game for learning new words

LMS system – for online training of clients, additional classes and tracking student progress.

Including additional audio and video content, online games, simulators and tests to test your knowledge. Mobile application for learning and revising vocabulary.


Our network representative will attend the opening of your Centre and conduct training for your employees

Our representative will come to your city to conduct training for the head and teachers of the Centre before its launch.

Documents and step-by-step instructions for successful completion of the licencing procedure for your Centre

You will receive all templates and educational programme for obtaining a licence from the Department of Education

Become a member of the partner community of Poliglotiki network by buying our franchise!

  • Online chat of the partners of Poliglotiki network for you to get a prompt answer to any question.
  • Quarterly business branches in Moscow and St. Petersburg for exchanging experience, sharing success stories and ideas.
  • Annual meetings of the partners for discussing our business, building a development strategy for our network as a whole and each Poliglotiki Centre.

Regular communication for our partners to make sure that all your questions will be answered and your ideas will come to life.

Find out the cost of the franchise and calculate the profit of your center*

Number of people in your city:
Franchise cost:
Initial fee:
Total investments:
Payback period:
Center format:
Profit of your center:
Subscription cost:
Recommended cost, you can choose another one.
Number of students:
Number of groups:
Net profit per month:

* This is not a public offer. The calculation is approximate. It is based on averages and can vary greatly depending on multiple factors.

To take into account a wider range of indicators, we can prepare a detailed financial model for 3 years with a sales plan for your region upon request.

** 50% discount applies to royalty fees in summer.

*** Franchise in large cities is available only in a package

Find out the cost of the franchise and calculate the profit of your center*

Number of people in your city:
Franchise cost:
Initial fee:
Total investments:
Payback period:
Center format:
Profit of your center:
Subscription cost:
Recommended cost, you can choose another one.
Number of students:
Number of groups:
Net profit per month:

* This is not a public offer. The calculation is approximate. It is based on averages and can vary greatly depending on multiple factors.

To take into account a wider range of indicators, we can prepare a detailed financial model for 3 years with a sales plan for your region upon request.

** 50% discount applies to royalty fees in summer.

*** Franchise in large cities is available only in a package

Find out the cost of the franchise and calculate the profit of your center*

Number of people in your city:
Franchise cost:
Initial fee:
Total investments:
Payback period:
Center format:
Profit of your center:
Subscription cost:
Recommended cost, you can choose another one.
Number of students:
Number of groups:
Net profit per month:

* This is not a public offer. The calculation is approximate. It is based on averages and can vary greatly depending on multiple factors.

To take into account a wider range of indicators, we can prepare a detailed financial model for 3 years with a sales plan for your region upon request.

** 50% discount applies to royalty fees in summer.

*** Franchise in large cities is available only in a package

Find out the cost of the franchise and calculate the profit of your center*

Number of people in your city:
Franchise cost:
Initial fee:
Total investments:
Payback period:
Center format:
Profit of your center:
Subscription cost:
Recommended cost, you can choose another one.
Number of students:
Number of groups:
Net profit per month:

* This is not a public offer. The calculation is approximate. It is based on averages and can vary greatly depending on multiple factors.

To take into account a wider range of indicators, we can prepare a detailed financial model for 3 years with a sales plan for your region upon request.

** 50% discount applies to royalty fees in summer.

*** Franchise in large cities is available only in a package

Find out the cost of the franchise and calculate the profit of your center*

Number of people in your city:
Franchise cost:
Initial fee:
Total investments:
Payback period:
Center format:
Profit of your center:
Subscription cost:
Recommended cost, you can choose another one.
Number of students:
Number of groups:
Net profit per month:

* This is not a public offer. The calculation is approximate. It is based on averages and can vary greatly depending on multiple factors.

To take into account a wider range of indicators, we can prepare a detailed financial model for 3 years with a sales plan for your region upon request.

** 50% discount applies to royalty fees in summer.

*** Franchise in large cities is available only in a package

Poliglotiki™ franchise success stories

All success stories

Video of success with Poliglotiki™ franchise

What a Poliglotiki™ centre looks like
5 steps to your dream with Poliglotiki
1Fill in a preliminary application to buy our franchise
Complete the form and we will call you back within 1 day.
5 steps to your dream with Poliglotiki
1Fill in a preliminary application to buy our franchise
2Get more detailed information and profit calculation for your region
We will tell you everything about our franchise and answer all your questions. You will find out what investments are necessary and how quickly they will pay off.
3Sign a commercial concession agreement with us
We conclude a commercial concession agreement with our partners. This agreement is subject to mandatory registration with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS).
4Undergo our training and get step-by-step instructions on how to do the business
We provide full consulting support at all stages of launch and operation.
5Get down to business and make a profit starting from the first month
Your business will bring you not only pleasure but also RUB 100,000+ profit per month. Your investments will pay off in 5 to 12 months (depending on the region).
Company founder
Elena Ivanova
Founder of Poliglotiki Network

In 1998 she graduated from a school with in-depth study of the German language in St. Petersburg.
In 2003 she received a diploma with honors in the specialty "Linguistics and Intercultural Communication".
In 2006, she received a second higher education at the University of Hagen in Germany, where she studied child development in a natural and artificial bilingual environment.
In 2011, she graduated from the Presidential Management Training Program at the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Management.
In 2012, she completed her studies in International Economic Law at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University.
After graduating from university, she worked for 11 years as head of the development department at the German telecommunications company T-Systems in St. Petersburg and Frankfurt am Main.
Returning to St. Petersburg in 2006, she opened the first Children's Educational Center for Polyglots.
Winner of the “Fastest Growing Companies in the North-West Region “Business Petersburg” 2018.
Winner of Ernst & Young "Business Women 2020".
Winner of the international competition “Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2020” in Russia in the “Education” category. Laureate of the management competition “Leaders of Russia - 2021” of the North-Western Federal District.
Winner of Russia’s first program for social entrepreneurs “Towards Impact Investments” 2020.
Finalist of the EdTech Challenge B2C 2021 technology startup competition.
2nd place in the entrepreneurship and technology accelerator White Night Startup 2021.
Лидерский проект Агентства стратегических инициатив (АСИ) 2022.
Премия «Амбассадор экосистемы в бизнесе 2024» от проекта «Я у мамы франчайзи».
TOP 10 most profitable franchises in Russia Forbes from 2019 to 2024.

tel.: +7 812 775 1406
198A-27, Stachek Ave., St. Petersburg

Please feel free to contact us: +7 812 775-14-06

Poliglotiki is the most dynamically developing network of polylingual kindergartens in Russia. Unique features: early language development, personal growth, preparation for school, bilingual environment.

Poliglotiki polylingual kindergartens:
  • Development of children from 12 months to 7 years
  • Teaching since 2006
  • 70+ proprietary programmes
  • 5 foreign languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese
  • Preparation for school: 72 study hours for programmes in mathematics, reading and writing, environmental studies
  • 185 branches in more than 6 countries and 80 cities in Russia and abroad
Open your Poliglotiki polylingual kindergarten with our franchise, your moderate investments and a quick payback!
Fill in a preliminary application to buy our franchise
Complete the form and we will call you back within 1 day